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Monday, April 22, 2013

We are made one with Nature,
His voice in all her Music, from the moan you’ll know
Of Thunder, to the song of night’s sweet bird
He is a presence to be Felt and Known
In darkness and in Light, from herb and stone
Spreading itself so that Power may move
This has withdrawn his being to be his own
This Wields the World with never-wearied Love
Sustains it from breath, and kindles it above
We have to Honor and acknowledge the Goddess Mother Nature, An age old symbol of the humanities and their relationship with the rest of the Natural World.
Majestic Elements of Mother Earth
Impart on us all of your Powers
Air grants us thy Breath
Fire Warm us in thy Light
Water Rinse the pains of the Soul Away
Earth embrace us in your Wisdom Hear our Prayers we offer Thee Grant us Strength and Courage
Allow us to worship thee in all your Magnificence
So Mote it Be ☽✪☾

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