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Thursday, May 30, 2013

As he follows
Her across the night sky.
Our Lady of the Moon
The beauty of the night
The skies' silver jewel
Is her royal orb!
Tell me, my lady
How can I make my inner-light
Shine as bright as you.
So Mote it Be

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May we keep the Earth in her Glory
Respect all of Nature and all in thy Realm
Never give up on us, we beseech thee.
May your upcoming changes be lite and soft
May we carry your Warmth always in our Hearts
Guide us in our true Paths
Unite the Houses of your children in your Strength.
So Mote it Be ☽✪☾

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dance with the Wind
Watch the beauty in the Sea
Chase butterflies with wild flowers
Touch the sky with flames spirit
Sing with merry laughter
This is our Church
Honor and respect Nature
She is Our Church
So Mote it Be

Monday, May 27, 2013

Ancient Ones Keepers of our energies
Empower us, Guide us, and Help us to Heal
With this we State
Light of Knowledge
Shine this way
Dispelling all ignorance today
As We Learn
We Understand
With each New Day
Once we were blind
Now we see
As our understanding comes of thee
So Mote it Be   ☽✪☾

Thursday, May 9, 2013

We Call the Elements
We Listen to their Songs
We Hear their Voices
We Know their Strengths
All we can ask is to Stay
All we can want is their Gifts
All we need is their Blessings
May we always Harken to their Words
May they always be with us and guide Us
May we always Listen
So Mote it Be  ☽✪☾

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

As the air stirs so do the winds of change
we grow with change
we live in a constant state of change
we must remember that we are simply animals here on Mother Earth
just as all living animals must grow and adapt
we too grow and change if not we wither
living in the now and looking for the future we grow
blessed are we that walk our paths
listen to our hearts
and we live, love, and laugh
Blessings of Love and Light

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

From the veiled mist of your grove, I call thee
Stretch your evergreens and bring these your children legacy of Kin-ship back to your Grove,
Lord of the Forrest and mountains, bring your strength.
Bring your joy and ecstasy so we can know your nature again.
Give the wisdom of your heart to our Family.
Green man, let us hear your voice, We are yours,
Cast your shadows to guide our journeys in the sunny days.
So Mote it Be ☽✪☾

Friday, May 3, 2013

Warm and quickening Light
Awaken and bring forth beauty
For thou art my pleasure and my bounty
Lugh and Brigid
Fire of the sky, guardian of all that exists in the Universe,
I ask your guardianship of this gathering
And your assistance in my work.
I am gathered in celebration of your gifts
Our work is most holy.
So Mote it Be ☽✪☾

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

As the Suns Lights the Day
Lift your Heart
Feel the Warmth
Look to rise above
It Lights our way
She now has a Mate
They now are Together
Beltane Blessings to You and Yours